My child, where you saw only one set of footprints, it is then that I carried you...
Our Wedding Day, August 23, 2003

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His Footprints, My Heart...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
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There once was a bunch of tiny frogs.... who arranged a running competition.

The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants....

The race began....


No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.

You heard statements such as:

"Oh, WAY too difficult!!"

"They will NEVER make it to the top."


"Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!"

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The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one....

Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher....

The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!"

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up....

But ONE continued higher and higher and higher....

This one wouldn't give up!

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At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!

THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?

A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?

It turned out....

That the winner was DEAF!!!!

The wisdom of this story is:

Never listen to other people's tendencies to be

negative or pessimistic.... because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you -- the ones you have in your heart!

Always think of the power words have.

Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions!


ALWAYS be....


And above all:

Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams!

Always think:

God and I can do this!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

Share this message with all the "tiny frogs" you care about.

Give them some motivation!!!

Most people walk in and out of your life......but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Tag! You're It!!!

Ok, so Paula tagged me today in a blog game. Here's the deal: I have to pick 5 or more of the following occupations and post my answers here. Then, I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. Got it? Sounds like fun, huh? Here goes....

The "questions":
If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter...If I could be a gardener...If I could be a missionary...If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist...If I could be a librarian...If I could be an athlete...If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an inn-keeper...If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer...If I could be a llama-rider...If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be an astronaut...If I could be a world famous blogger...If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

My "answers":
1. If I could be an athlete...I'd be a gymnast and be able to do back flips on a whim, sometimes I get so excited that I wish I could just do a back hand-spring!
2. If I could be a justice on any one court in the world... I think I'd resign; mercy, not exhortation, is one of my spiritual gifts...I can be "sweet-talked" quite easily...
3. If I could be an inn-keeper...I'd take in all the homeless and give them a warm bed and warm food and show them that they are somebody and that I care
4. If I could be a painter... I'd paint all the beautiful gifts of "art" that God gives us each day, sunsets, deer in the woods, birds at my bird feeder...
5. If I could be a farmer... I'd grow tons and tons of blueberries! I love blueberries and I love picking them at the blueberry farm near my house! Oh, and strawberries.... Oh, and tomatoes... Oh, and cantaloupe... Oh, and....
6. If I could be a scientist..... hmmm... deja vou....

Ok, so I tag Maurice, Pink Plumeria, and Daisymarie. Don't fret, if you can't/don't want to join in just let me know and I'll tag someone else... no stress here :)

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Monday, April 18, 2005
Tira Misu Anyone?
Ok, Jeff at Think Sink and Paula at Believe N God pointed me here. Try it!

Your Inner European is Italian!

Passionate and colorful.

You show the world what culture really is.

Who's Your Inner European?
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Friday, April 15, 2005
"The Scientists...."

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You've been there, I know it. You've been sitting in church on Sunday morning listening to the preacher preaching about the love of God and then it comes. The preacher says something along the lines of "no matter what the scientists try to tell us" or "scientists can believe what they want, but...". Well, I have one question, who are "the scientists"? I ask this because many times I hear the generalizations regarding "scientists" and what they "believe". It always feels like there's this chasm between the so-called scientists and Christians who refer to "the scientists" as if they are all bad. Yes, I know that's probably a bit of a gross generalization on my part, and that I'm probably exaggerating that a bit, but, the truth is, that puts me in a wierd spot. You see, I'm a scientist. I honestly believe that's what God wanted me to be when He created me.

I was a geeky kid growing up who had her first microscope when she was about 10 years old! I remember being so jealous when some friends of the family gave my brother a chemistry set for Christmas one year and I got a huge teddy bear (which I still have, by the way), but I would beg him to let me play with it all the time!

I was raised in a Christian home by two of the most Godly people I've ever known. I vividly remember waking up every morning, walking into the living room and seeing my mother sitting in her rocking chair, her Bible in her lap, praying. My father was always the head of the household and we had dinner every night as a family, right after saying grace. My parents encouraged me to go into science. Actually, they encouraged me to do anything that I set my heart on because they believed in me. They put me through college from which I graduated with two degrees, both in science. I've worked in the geology field as well as in health care. I've done production-type lab work and medical research.

But the most important part of my career is getting to know God in a completely unique way. I am constantly amazed at the handiwork of my Abba God, my daddy God. From the tiniest particle to the largest glacier, the intricacies of all of His creation leave me awe struck. The God of the universe who made the moon and stars, the oceans and the land and everything in between, made me for a reason. He truly wants to know ME, to have a personal relationship with ME. That's what is amazing.

So I guess I'm one of "the scientists", but please don't forget that I'm a scientist who loves and is loved by the Master of the Wind, the Peace Speaker, the King of all kings, and the Lord of lords, and He doesn't need a micropscope to know about all the intricacies of my life, or yours.

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." Psalm 8:3-5
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Urgent, Urgent, Urgent Prayer Request!!!!!!!
Hi guys, don't have but a second, but I have a friend who needs your prayers, urgently!!! I can't go into much detail, but she and her husband have several needs, that need to be met very, very quickly, especially in the "job" area. They are God fearing, dear Christian friends of mine, she's my best friend in the world. They have such faith, but satan is trying to tear them down. Please, please, please pray for them! My Christian blogging buddies, you are the best!
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The Final Interview Is In!!!
The final interview is in! Go check it out here! Cindy has such a sweet spirit (no, I'm not talking about myself, although that is a BEAUTIFUL name if I do say so myself!). The answer to the first question can be found here. Go, check it out! What are you waiting for???
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Yellow Is Pretty, But Give Me A Break!

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Ok, I have nothing against the color yellow, after all sunflowers are yellow! But when I get in my car at lunch to head down to the QuikTrip to fill up my car and the pollen is so thick on my windshield that I have to turn on the wipers to be able to see and this thick yellow cloud billows through the air, well, that's just a little too much! My head hurts, my eyes itch, my throat hurts, my ears hurt AND itch, and I have this annoying little "sniff, sniff" all the time...and that's AFTER taking my Allegra. Plus, I'm constantly clearing my throat and coughing this yucky sounding cough, and when people who don't have allergies say "Wow, are you OK?" and you say "yeah, just allergies" they kind of look at you like you're really trying to hide the fact that you have the Bubonic plague or something. Ok, so maybe you didn't stop by here to listen to me whine and complain.

To be honest, I'm really just mildly annoyed, I'm really rather amused. I'm amused at the fact that here in Georgia yellow clouds of pollen seem to resemble tumbleweeds, at least to me they do. But the truly funny thing is this: yesterday the pollen count was somewhere in the 2000's and that's the "extremely high" range. Today it's over 5000, still called the "extremely high" range. In my opinion that should be the "insanely out of control" range. My car has officially seen more pollen this year than snow. Just to bring the point home... my hubby and I taking care of my mother-and-father-in-law's animals while they are on vacation (Paula has the dog right now). One of their cats, Midnight (whom I lovingly refer to as "spawn of satan", but that's another story), is solid black and LOVES to be outdoors. When I got home yesterday she came running to me, as usual, but she had this "glow" about her. No, she's not in love. Covered with pollen!

Alrighty then, now you have my rant on pollen... I guess these days everything does have a bright (yellow) side. Ha!

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Monday, April 11, 2005
Another Interview Is Up!
Check out Rebecca's answers to the interview questions!
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Friday, April 08, 2005
Update On My Interviewees and A Song Dedication To Nettie
The anwers to the interviews are beginning to roll in! Check them out:

Jeff H.

Oh, and this song goes out to our very own Sock Girl, Nettie.
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My Turn To Do the Interviewing!

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Nettie interviewed me the other day... now it's time for me to ask the questions. Cindy, Rebecca, Jeff H., Jan, and Daisymarie have all asked to be interviewed. You'll see their questions posted below. When they let me know that they've answered the questions on their blog, I'll post the link to their answers on my blog so you can check it out for yourself!
And we're off.....

1. How long have you home-schooled your children and what made you decide to do that?
2. How long have you been a nurse and what's your favorite thing about nursing?
3. Thinking about your relationship with God, what "name" do you think He calls you by? (For example, I deal with insecurity, but I know that God loves me and in a Bible study I did on grace once I identified with "pearl of great worth". It can be anything.....)
4. If you were a song, what song would you be? Why?
5. Harley or dirt bike? Why?

1. If you were a song, what song would you be? Why?
2. Of all the places you've been, what's been your favorite?
3. What do you want your children to remember the most about you?
4. Beach or mountains? Why?
5. What all is in your garden?

Jeff H.:
1. Can God make a boulder too big for Him to carry?
2. If you were a song, what song would you be? Why?
3. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
4. What's your favorite scripture?
5. How do you feel about the fact that Georgia is God's country and you're livin' in Kentucky? *grin*

1. If you were a song, what song would you be? Why?
2. Why do you like snow flakes so much?
3. Thinking about your relationship with God, what "name" do you think He calls you by? (For example, I deal with insecurity, but I know that God loves me and in a Bible study I did once on grace I identified with "pearl of great worth". It can be anything....)
4. What's your favorite thing about being an attorney? A mom? A wife?
5. You're stranded on a deserted island. You have the following in your purse: nail file, $20 bill, lip gloss, a pack of gum, and one item of your choice except a cell phone. How are you going to get home?

1. If you were a song, what song would you be? Why?
2. What do you want your grand children to remember the most about you? Why?
3. Besides Jesus, who from the bible do you most want to meet in heaven? Why?
4. Cake, ice cream, or both? Why?
5. What's your favorite scripture? Why?

Ok.... there they are! Answer away ladies and gentleman! Inquiring minds want to know!

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Thursday, April 07, 2005
Thank You For Blue Skies...

I have a long drive to work and back home each day which gives me lots of time to listen to lots of music, which is GREAT! I love music, and I love to sing, just in case you don't know that about me yet! Songs speak to me, or rather, God speaks to me through songs. Oh, He speaks to me in lots of ways, but He knows me better than I know myself and knows that I'll most certainly hear Him in a song.

There's a song on
Diana Degarmo's album "Blue Skies" that I just love. Here's the chorus:

Thank you for blue skies, when my head is down you remind me to look up.
Thank you for all those times you believed when others couldn't see.
Without you where would I be?

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Isn't it awesome to think about? I think of all the things God uses to get our attention. I know when I'm having a bad day, so many times I'll see an amazing sunset on my way home, and it reminds me to pick my head up and look to the sun... to look to the Son.

I'm continually amazed that the God of the universe knows and loves me so personally, that He wants to love and know me. Isn't He an awesome God?

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Nettie Interviews Me!
Thanks for the interview, Nettie! Here are my answers:

1. Why are sunflowers your favorite?
My answer: Oh, that's sooo easy! They are so happy looking!!! They brighten up any room (or
blog template!!) How can you look at a sunflower and not smile??? Especially a whole field of sunflowers! Image hosted by But, probably even more than that, have you ever noticed how tall they stand and how they all face the same direction? They are sort of "focused" on the sun. It reminds me to keep my focus on the Son. They also remind me of the sun, the color and everything. When I look at them, I sort of see the sun. Reminds me that when others look at me, they should see the Son. I just LOVE them!!!

2. If you could take back one moment in your life, what would it be and why?
My answer: Wow, this was hard. You see, on the one hand, there are too many to name. Like the time I snapped at my mom and she got tears in her eyes, I remember it like it was yesterday. Or, when I didn't take my dad's feelings into consideration and said something I shouldn't have. Or, the last time I assumed that something negative my husband said was directed at me, when I knew better. My emotions and my mouth tend to get me into the most trouble, can you tell? Then I think about taking back the moment my mom died. What if she were still here with me and didn't have to die. But after I think about all the moments I'd like to take back, I look at where I am today and who I've become. That's when I finally realized that I'm not sure I'd take back any moment in my life because they've all made me stronger, added strength to my character, and strengthened my faith.

3. Why not Popeye?
My answer: What??? And break sweet little Olive Oyl's heart??? I wouldn't think of it!!!

4. What's your favorite piece of Scripture?
My answer: Psalm 8:3-5 "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour."

5. What's currently residing in your car?Image hosted by
My answer: Well, let's see, my cell phone charger, a car shade, a silver necklace with a breast cancer awareness pink ribbon charm on my rear view mirror, my Avon bag with various items (samples, order slips, invoices, paperwork) ....."Avon calling! Hi, I'm Cindy-Lou, your friendly Avon Independent Sales Representative!", lots of CD's (Vicki Yohe, Rascal Flatts, Diana Degarmo, Lordsong, Gold City, Joyce Martin, Cindy Ponce.... oh, that's me....., the practice CD for the Easter cantata we did, and on, and on.....), my Easter cantata song book to take back to church, a black pair of clogs, two umbrellas (one solid black, the other with a Monet motiff), my black leather coat (I do live in Georgia, you know..... just because it's 73 degrees today doesn't mean it wasn't freezing the other day!!), some "pay at the pump" receipts from the gas station, a Walgreen's flyer, two new litter boxes and two containers of fresh cat litter that I just bought at lunch today for our kitties ("new" and "fresh" being key words here....), loose change, typical items in the dash (insurance card, registration, no maps, though.... wouldn't do me any good.....), leather portfolio with papers and my business cards, a small stuffed kitten I bought for my youngest nephew at his request, that's pretty much all I can think of right now....

Just dying to be interviewed??? Here's the deal.....
Comment on this post and tell me you want to be interviewed, but I'll only interview the first 5 people. I'll give you your 5 questions and you answer them in a post on your own blog. Let me know when you've answered and I'll put a link to your post on my blog. To keep the ball rolling, remember to pass along the rules in your blog and it's YOUR turn to interview 5 people! Got it? Great!!! Have fun with it, guys!
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Zippy Bubbleface
This is my name.... Zippy Bubbleface! Well, something to make me giggle, anyways! Go to Think Sink's post here to play along. Let me know what YOUR name is!

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Monday, April 04, 2005
"Thank You, Anonymous"

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Last week 'Anonymous' posted a comment on my "Have You Ever Wondered?" post that prompted a good bit of thinking and praying before I felt like I could respond. After all, if I touched a nerve on one person who felt compelled to comment, even if it was anonymously, there may be others who didn't comment. That being said, I felt led to post Anon's comment and my response here. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve and am for the most part incredibly transparent. It's my goal to be no different on my blog than I am in person. I'm a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Just a sinner saved by God's wonderfully amazing grace. So, "Thank You" Anonymous, whoever you are, for reading and commenting and for "prompting" me. Hopefully you'll continue to read my blog (and comment) and get to know Cindy-Lou for who she is, get to know her heart, but more importantly see the love of her Savior, the sole purpose for her existence. Even if I don't have a clue who you are.....

Comment by "Anonymous" on my "Have You Ever Wondered?" post:

Your latest entry and your readers’ comments reflect a widespread ignorance of other religions. If I were to say all Christian pro-life activists were abortion doctor and patient killers or that Christian Neo-nazi’s were apart of the mainstream, wouldn't I be making the same kind of gross generalization as is posted?--which suggests that all Muslims are suicide bombers. There are no religions that condone killing ones self or others--however there are extremist factions of most religions, including Christianity, that condone both. If what you hope to follow the path of Christ and as a result reach out to others, you and your readers had best stop the Christian holier than thou talk and be a bit more accepting and aware.

My response to the comment by Anonymous:

It's unfortunate that you don't know me well enough to know my heart, and it's unfortunate that so much is lost in written communication :) There was really no "holier than thou" attitude intended in my post, just an honest, gratitude to my Lord and Savior for making loving and following Him so simple and free. My using the example of a suicide bomber was not directed at Muslims, in fact I didn't mention any religion or denomination for the explicit intention of NOT making a "gross generalization". That example is just the most recent event that popped up in my mind. However, you are probably correct in your suggestion that a suicide bomber (or a "Christian pro-life activist doctor or patient killer", or a "Christian Neo-Nazi") belongs to an "extremist faction" of *some* religion. In my religion, Christianity, one of the ten commandments is "Thou shall not kill", found in Exodus 20:13.
At any rate, I must have touched a nerve or you wouldn't have felt compelled to comment, and I'm honestly glad you did, even if it was anonymously. Hopefully you'll continue to read my blog and get to know me for who I am and get to know my heart, even if I don't have a clue who you are...

Image hosted by"Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-- 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." I Peter 3:3-4

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