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I was sitting in church this weekend after we had finished our Easter cantata on Saturday night, listening to our interim pastor giving the invitation to all who came to the service, when one thought occurred to me. Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that Christianity is the only religion where the one that is worshipped is the one who insisted on dying rather than asking his followers to die for him? I think of those who believe that to die in things such as suicide bombings, how they believe that their god, who did not die for them, will somehow bless them or hold them in some high regard for dying for him. How can love be defined by someone's god asking them to harm themselves? Christ only asks us to die to ourselves, to let the old man die, the one that gets us in so much trouble anyway! So, tell me, what do you think?
I always thought of the side of Christianity that we might have to die for Christ rather than forsake Him. But you're right, in other religions, it's pretty much a requirement, or at least they require something harder than Christianity really is!
That was a God-sent thought, Cindy-Lou ... thanks for posting it!
Your latest entry and your readers’ comments reflect a widespread ignorance of other religions. If I were to say all Christian pro-life activists were abortion doctor and patient killers or that Christian Neo-nazi’s were apart of the mainstream, wouldn't I be making the same kind of gross generalization as is posted?--which suggests that all Muslims are suicide bombers. There are no religions that condone killing ones self or others--however there are extremist factions of most religions, including Christianity, that condone both. If what you hope to follow the path of Christ and as a result reach out to others, you and your readers had best stop the Christian holier than thou talk and be a bit more accepting and aware.
Enough with the trolls already!
I like the verse, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." But I think the gain is in living with the Father.
Man, that "anonymous" person has something stuck up their chimney...
Cindy, we serve a risen savior--for while he died for us, it is his resurrection that broke the bondage of death over us. I agree with you that other religions--despite "anon's" protestations to the contrary--serve gods who require of their followers sacrifice that our God made for us. Night and day, "anon", night and day.
this prompted lots of thinking for me. thank you!
Isn't it true? He tells us to come to Him as a little child :)
Yep! Aren't those "God things" awesome? Thanks for the encouragement!
It's unfortunate that you don't know me well enough to know my heart, and it's unfortunate that so much is lost in written communication :) There was really no "holier than thou" attitude intended in my post, just an honest, gratitude to my Lord and Savior for making loving and following Him so simple and free. My using the example of a suicide bomber was not directed at Muslims, in fact I didn't mention any religion or denomination for the explicit intention of NOT making a "gross generalization". That example is just the most recent event that popped up in my mind. However, you are probably correct in your suggestion that a suicide bomber (or a "Christian pro-life activist doctor or patient killer", or a "Christian Neo-Nazi") belongs to an "extremist faction" of *some* religion. In my religion, Christianity, one of the ten commandments is "Thou shall not kill", found in Exodus 20:13.
At any rate, I must have touched nerve or you wouldn't have felt compelled to comment, and I'm honestly glad you did, even if it was anonymously. Hopefully you'll continue to read my blog and get to know me for who I am and get to know my heart, even if I don't have a clue who you are...
I certainly agree, for without Christ I am nothing.
We certainly do serve a risen Savior. One thing I'm CERTAIN about is that He's the only one who died for me, but then rose again so that I might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly! Thanks for the encouragement!!
Comment 1: Good point, beats me :)
Comment 2: Exactly! You hit the nail on the head!
For me, too. But I'm not the one who deserves the thanks :) God gets all the credit for that one :) Thanks for the encouragement!
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