My child, where you saw only one set of footprints, it is then that I carried you...
Our Wedding Day, August 23, 2003

Verse of the Day...

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Women of The Word Webring

His Footprints, My Heart...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Ain't Got No Power!
Well, it may not be good grammar, but even the best of grammar hasn't seemed to get mine and hubby's power back on yet! Katrina's made her mark on many places, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi with terrible devastation. She also sent tornadoes spiraling through Georgia last night. A strong "rain-wrapped tornado" ripped through Carrol County last night destroying 30 houses and a number of very large chicken houses, inflicting "moderate damage" on another 100 or so houses. The tornado did some damage a few miles, 15 or so, away from our house. Several areas were hit, so please remember them in your prayers along with the victims of Katrina. Hubby and I were so blessed to have no damage... we only have to deal with the minor inconvenience of having no power, which truly is just a minor inconvenience. The only reason I mention it is because God is showing me how much it relates to my life and relationship with Him.

You see, when I got home last night with all the tornado warnings and such I thought about the possibility of the power going out. I quickly gathered the necessities should our power fail: a flashlight, a candle, the lighter, and plugged in my cell phone to charge. I was prepared to not have to stumble my way through the house, stubbing my big toe on the end table, but I didn't want to be in the dark especially with the ominous weather outside. Then, around 2 am we lost power. No big deal except the alarm clocks wouldn't go off, but that's why they make cell phones with alarms, right? *grin* Well, at 5:30 this morning it was a bit of a bigger deal when I had to get up and get ready for work. Applying make-up to the soft glow of a flashlight isn't recommended.... unless you're going for the Ronald McDonald look. By the time I left the house I was quite used to the dark, it didn't seem so foreign. But I know that when the power does come back on I'll realize just how great the light really is.

Where am I going with this? Glad you asked! This sort of reminded me about my life and relationship with Christ. When I'm walking side-by-side with Him, "in the light", the thought of walking away from Him, "in the dark", isn't something I really think will happen... then I do it. I step out just a little, but I'm in the dark. It's uncomfortable, because it's not what I'm used to. I'm used to basking in His light, but the longer I stay in the dark, the easier it is to roam around and it's not quite as uncomfortable as it once was, until I get completely comfortable. I'm walking around and I don't seem to be stumbling on anything, not stubbing my toes on anything, until.... Until my heart starts to hear that still small voice and I long to be close to Him. When I return to the light, I see just how great the light really is, just how great He is. I look back at where I've been while I've been walking in the dark and no, I didn't stumble over things, but there are so many things I missed because I couldn't see them. You see, without the light there are very precious things that you can't see or even appreciate. Without light a diamond doesn't sparkle. Isn't it amazing how light accentuates beauty? Even more amazing, isn't it amazing how His light accentuates our beauty?

So, remember: stay plugged in because without Him we are nothing.

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-Edith Wharton-
At 8:14 PM, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Great post! I am and have been praying for those suffering through Katrina. Glad to hear you guys weren't hurt.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Thanks, Shelley! I'm praying for them, too. It's so sad to see. Thanks for checkin' in on mye ;)

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi cindy! i saw what happened in the news. i'm praying for those people affected by katrina.

yeah, about the light, i'm with you there. without The Light, we stumble. we need The Light to light our path and for us to appreciate the beauty all around us.

God bless you. c",)

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Thanks for your thoughts Cindy, so glad to hear all is well with you...praying for those who are not so fortunate

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

Hope you get your power back on soon.

At 2:08 AM, Blogger Vicki said...

Thanks for your post. I realized today that a tornado ripped through Helen where we just had our little wedding and honeymoon last month. We WERE gonna do it end of August! I'm so stunned at the devastation that others are suffering due to Katrina, and we must definitely pray, pray, pray!

Your writing reminds me, too, that when we suddenly find ourselves in the darkness of life's crises, we must remember what the Lord has revealed to us in the light. He is even there with us.

Blessings to you and your hubby!

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Pia: Hey girl! Yes, isn't He awesome?

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Pam: Thanks for dropping by!

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Jeff: It's back on ;) Woo-hoo!

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Lightseeker said...

Even in the dark, God can speak to our hearts!! He is so awesome. He is definately the light of the world. I don't see how others handle stumbling thru life in the dark and not have Him! Without Him I just make a mess of everything!

God Bless~

At 12:25 PM, Blogger jomo said...

I like this blog a lot. Your styel of writing is captivating, and so much wisdom.
Thanks for the visit to mine. I will keep track of yours.
Great to meet you.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Nettie said...

Glad to hear that y'all are...basically okay. And hey, maybe the Ronald look made for a nice change!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger David Edward said...

pray for jayleigh, please, info at her blog - re Dr appt today

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

See, the power was just waiting for a word from me...

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Sis (Paula): You are so right! I'll always be here for you... thanks for always being there for me!!

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Lightseeker: Amen! I know that I could not have made it through so many things without Him! That's why I love lighthouses so much (I know you do, too!!)... reminds me that He is my lighthouse!

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

John: Wow, thank you...(I'll pay you later... lol!) Seriously, thank you very much; I can't take credit, God is my inspiration... so, if I write it, it's because He's spoken to me... trust me, I'm not nearly as 'captivating' as He is. I'll be keeping up with your blog as well!

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Nettie: Oh, yeah, we're just fine...
About 2 years ago our house (well, it was hubby's at the time, we weren't married just yet and I still had my house...) was broken into and we had a security system put in, so I'm always a bit leary when things like long power outages happen... I know, I'm a bit neurotic like far as my hair and make-up went, when I told my girlfriends at work that we didn't have power (couldn't curl my hair! gasp!!) they were like "you'd never know, you look like you always do!"... I think they were meaning it to be a compliment, but I knew what I looked like.... hmmmm, what does that say about my current hairdo? lololol!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

David: I went to her sight yesterday as soon as I saw your comment... thank you so much for alerting me to pray!! That's what prayer warriors are for!

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Jeff: Yes, you are so right, oh powerful one...guess they were waiting for me to "say uncle"....
ba-dum-bump! Part of a tree had fallen on the line, so they came and fixed it :) Yea, Georgia Power!

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Barbara!!! Yea, you're back! Hope you had a wonderful time! Thank you for the anniversary wishes and, yes, we do have power ;) I post from work on my lunch hour many times... as I did that day... can't stay away from my bloggin' buddies for too long, lol!
Re: Katrina, yes, it is so terrible! Please keep our country in your prayers! Seems we've all been hit lately...

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

gr8in98: Thanks so much... hubby and I enjoyed getting to know you guys better as well!

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Oh that was really cool.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger tomorrows up to me said...

Thanks for shedding some light on this topic.(I'm sorry, couldn't help myself!!) Seriously, thats just what I needed to hear! Thanks!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Jayleigh: Thanks ;) Hope you're feeling better! I'll drop by to check on you ;)

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Tomorrow: You're too funny! I like your sense of humor... I'd have said the same thing, lol! Thanks for the encouragement!

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

It's good to see past the physical to the spiritual as you do. A friend once said, "if you can't understand the Bible when you read it, maybe it's because you're reading in the dark." it so reminded me of this post.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Refreshment in Refuge said...

I feel this way exactly! My ex-husband drew me away from God so that I was living in the dark and in the flesh. It was such a slow process that I never even noticed! God opened my eyes, though and amazingly it was through a prayer that my ex prayed, that my eyes would be opened. Uncanny. Great post, Cindy-Lou. I was blessed

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Shedding light, the light of Jesus, is what its all about.


At 9:20 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Darlene: smart friend ;) That's so true... without Jesus, the true light, the Bible's just another book...

Gina: Thanks... you blessed me ;) when you said that it made me think of being outside from light until dark... you don't realize just how dark it's getting until you go inside to the light...

Joe: Amen!

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Good thoughts. Good insight. I enjoyed your blog. I will come back again.
Bless you.

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