My child, where you saw only one set of footprints, it is then that I carried you...
Our Wedding Day, August 23, 2003

Verse of the Day...

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Women of The Word Webring

His Footprints, My Heart...

Monday, January 30, 2006
Great Is Thy Faithfulness...
This past Friday I decided to audition for the Christian community's take on "American Idol" in a talent contest called "Gifted Talent." Yep, I got up early on my day off... well, it was only a day off because I took vacation to go to this thing, so I would have gotten up early anyways, but I digress...where was I? Oh, yes, I got up early to go stand in line in the cold outside the Trinity Broadcasting Studio to give my 30 second accapella (I'm too lazy to employ spell check right now...) audition to see if I have "what it takes", well, that and the fact that I just LOVE a competition! They gave us a list of 10 hymns from which we could pick one to audition in front of 3 judges, none of which had the demeanor of Simon Cowle (again, too lazy to see if I spelled it right or not...ha!). Actually, I was told that one of my judges is Brittney Spears' assistant... go figure that one.

So, I had decided that I was going to sing "It Is Well (With My Soul)" because, well, it IS well with my soul. God is so awesome! Over the weeks I'll share what's been happening in my life over the past few months because God truly amazes me! So, I'm singing my little heart out in the car on the way home, practicing "It Is Well", and I log on to their website to look over everything one more time, only to find that the great song I've chosen isn't actually one of the ten... doh! Not a biggie, I've always got a song in my heart... my next choice was "Just As I Am", the old "altar hymn" that I'm certain is the first hymn I ever learned. But the more I sang, the more I knew that I needed to sing something that I truly felt at this point in my life... so I moved on to "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"... what an awesome song! But moreso, what an awesome truth! God's faithfulness reaches farther than anything I know... how do I know this? Because He has reached down to me so faithfully when I felt as though I couldn't possibly be any lower. He has touched my life in ways that I could never have imagined, and He continues to lift me up and bless me while I know that I don't deserve any of it! I can't wait to share with you how He has shown His faithfulness to me! But, I have to go finish dinner now.... besides, if I told you everything now, I'd have nothing to write later, would I? Ha!

Oh, by the way, I did make it through to the second round... I had to gracefully bow out, though, because of "conflicting committments"... but they did video my entire audition, so you'll have to watch TBN in March to see if I'm on TV!
At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so proud of you, sis. =)

God bless you always!

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

WOOHOO!!! Great news!!!

Now, tell me again--who are you?


At 5:17 PM, Blogger Nettie said...

Too bad you couldn't go on...but I'm so proud of ya for making it!

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